Candorr Core Cutting Machine
Core-cutting in construction and infrastructure sites is typically done using Candorr Core-cutting machine and by following specific steps.

- 1. Preparation: The area where the core cutting needs to be performed is prepared. This involves clearing the area, ensuring safety measures are in place, and marking the exact location and dimensions of the core hole.
- 2. Equipment setup: Core cutting requires a Candorr core drilling machine or a core drilling rig. The appropriate size and type of core bit are selected based on the material and the required hole-diameter. The core bit is attached to the drilling machine or rig, and water or a lubricant is made available for cooling and lubrication during the cutting process.
- 3. Positioning and anchoring: The drilling machine or rig is positioned and anchored securely over the marked area where the core hole needs to be made. This ensures stability and accuracy during drilling.
- 4. Cutting process: The drilling machine or rig is started, and the core bit is slowly inserted into the material being cut. Rotational motion is applied, and downward force is applied to engage the cutting teeth or diamond segments on the core bit with the material. Water or a lubricant may be used to enhance cooling and clearing of debris.
- 5. Continuous cutting: The core bit is gradually fed into the material, maintaining a steady drilling speed and pressure. The operator ensures proper cooling and clears debris to allow continuous cutting. Depending on the depth of the hole required, the core bit is periodically withdrawn to clear debris and resume cutting.
- 6. Extraction of the core: Once the desired depth is achieved, the core bit is withdrawn completely. The extracted core is carefully removed from the core bit using appropriate tools. If core samples are required, they are labelled, stored, and transported for testing and analysis.
- 7. Finishing and clean-up: After core cutting is completed, the area is inspected for any damage or debris. Any necessary finishing or patching is done to achieve a smooth surface and restore the integrity of the structure. Debris and excess material are cleared from the site. It's important to note that specific procedures and safety measures may vary depending on factors such as the material being cut, site conditions, and equipment used. Professional operators with appropriate expertise and training should conduct core cutting operations to ensure efficiency, accuracy, and safety.