Fastener Galling: What is it? How do we prevent it?

Fasteners play a crucial role in numerous industries, holding together everything from the bridges we drive on to the electronic devices we use daily. However, they can sometimes encounter a troublesome issue called galling. In this blog, we’ll delve into what fastener galling is, the factors contributing to it, and most importantly, how to prevent it. Understanding and preventing galling can save time, resources, and ensure the structural integrity of your projects.

What is Fastener Galling?

Fastener galling, also known as cold welding, is a phenomenon that occurs when two metal surfaces, typically threads on a fastener and the mating threads in a nut or a threaded hole, adhere to each other under pressure. This can result in the fastener becoming stuck or seizing up, making it challenging to disassemble or adjust, and potentially leading to damage or failure of the fastener or the components it is securing.

The term “cold welding” is used because galling doesn’t involve melting or heat as traditional welding does. Instead, it is a mechanical process where the metal surfaces bond together at an atomic level due to friction and pressure.

Factors Contributing to Fastener Galling

Several factors can contribute to fastener galling:

1. Material Choice:

   – Compatibility: Using dissimilar metals can increase the risk of galling. When two different metals come into contact, they can generate friction that leads to galling. Choosing materials that are less prone to galling when paired together can help mitigate this risk.

   – Surface Finish: Rough or uneven surfaces can exacerbate galling. Smoother surfaces, such as those achieved through proper machining and finishing processes, reduce the risk.

2. Tight Tolerances:

   – Thread Fit: Extremely tight thread tolerances can increase the likelihood of galling. While a snug fit is necessary for a secure fastening, overly tight tolerances can lead to excessive friction and pressure, promoting galling.

3. Lubrication:

   – Inadequate Lubrication: Lack of lubrication or using the wrong type of lubricant can increase friction between the threads, making galling more likely. Proper lubrication can significantly reduce this risk.

4. Over-tightening:

   – Excessive Torque: Applying too much torque or over-tightening fasteners can create high levels of pressure between threads, increasing the likelihood of galling. Proper torque specifications must be followed to prevent this.

5. Environmental Conditions:

   – Corrosive Environments: Exposure to corrosive substances can cause galling. This is because corrosion can roughen the surface of the threads, making them more prone to sticking together.

How to Prevent Fastener Galling

Preventing fastener galling is crucial to maintain the integrity and longevity of your projects. Here are several strategies to help prevent galling:

1. Material Selection:

   – Choose materials that are less prone to galling when possible. Stainless steel and other alloys are known for their resistance to galling, making them suitable choices for critical applications.

2. Surface Finish:

   – Ensure that threaded surfaces are properly machined and finished to reduce roughness. Smooth surfaces are less likely to experience galling.

3. Lubrication:

   – Use appropriate lubricants specifically designed to reduce friction between metal surfaces. Lubrication can significantly decrease the chances of galling.

 4. Tight Tolerances:

   – Avoid overly tight thread tolerances. Consult industry standards for recommended tolerances for specific applications.

 5. Proper Torque:

   – Follow manufacturer-recommended torque specifications when tightening fasteners. Avoid over-tightening, which can increase pressure and friction.

 6. Anti-Galling Coatings:

   – Consider using fasteners with anti-galling coatings or treatments. These coatings can reduce friction and protect against galling.

 7. Corrosion Prevention:

   – Implement corrosion prevention measures, such as using corrosion-resistant coatings or selecting materials designed for corrosive environments.

 8. Thread Design:

   – Consider using alternative thread profiles or designs that are less prone to galling, such as square threads or buttress threads.

 9. Regular Inspection:

   – Periodically inspect fasteners for signs of galling or other wear and tear. Early detection can help prevent further damage.

10. Proper Installation:

   – Train personnel in proper fastener installation techniques to avoid common mistakes that can lead to galling.


In conclusion, fastener galling is a common but preventable issue that can have significant consequences if left unaddressed. By understanding the factors that contribute to galling and implementing preventive measures, you can ensure the reliability and longevity of your fastener connections in various applications. Careful material selection, proper surface preparation, lubrication, and adherence to torque specifications are key components of an effective strategy to prevent fastener galling and maintain the structural integrity of your projects.

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